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(19) World Intellectual Property Organization 

International Bureau 

(43) International Publication Date 
11 January 2001 (11.01.2001) 


(10) International Publication Number 

WO 01/02539 Al 

(51) International Patent Classification 7 : 

A01K 67/027, C12N 5/02 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/DK00/00308 

(22) International Filing Date: 8 June 2000 (08.06.2000) 

(25) Filing Language: English 

(26) Publication Language: English 

C12M 3/00, (81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AT 
(utility model), AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, CA, CH, 
CN, CR, CU, CZ, CZ (utility model), DE, DE (utility 
model), DK, DK (utility model), DM, DZ, EE, EE (utility 
model), ES, FI, FI (utility model), GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, 
HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KR (utility 
model), KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, 
MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, 
SE, SG, SI, SK, SK (utility model), SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, 
TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW. 

(30) Priority Data: 

PA 1999 00933 

30 June 1999 (30.06. 1999) DK 

(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): THE 
ENCES [DK/DK]; P.O. Box 50, DK-8830 Tjele (DK). 

(72) Inventor; and 

(75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): VAJTA, Gabor 

[HU/AU]; 12/2 Kings Court, Clayton, VIC 3169 (AU). 

(74) Agent: PATRADE A/S; Aaboulevarden 21, DK-8000 
Aarhus C (DK). 

(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM, 
KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian 
patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European 
patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, 
IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, 
CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). 


— With international search report. 

For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid- 
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin- 
ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette. 





(57) Abstract: A process for in vitro culturing of cells, an apparatus for this process and applications of said apparatus and process 
are provided. The cell culturing according to the invention is taking place in an especially formed receptacle (small wells formed 
in within a larger well) which encourages culturing and growth encompassing development, fertilization and maturing, e.g. by its 
^ small size (200-300 mm) and shape (tapered). Additionnally, a method for preparation of such a receptacle is disclosed. Finally, 
applications of cell culturing within the disclosed receptacles are provided. 

WO 01/02539 



The present invention relates to a process for in vitro culturing of cells, an apparatus 
5 for this process and applications of said apparatus and process. 


The in vitro culturing of cells, whether prokaryotic or eukaryotic, is of obvious interest 
10 when studying the growth, division and development of the cells per se in addition to 
to products resulting hereof. Various instruments and remedies are available and 
commercialised for cell culturing and usual devices for culturing comprise a dish or a 
depression in a surface that is plane and smooth. A known type of this for those skilled 
in the art is the so-called Petri dish. The culturing per se takes normally place within 
15 said depression or dish and the cells are usually suspended in a nutrient fluid to 
promote a cell development. The material used for production of these devices for 
culturing is usually one or more polymeric compounds such as e.g. polystyrene. 

As to the various types of cells to culture special interest has concentrated on 
20 improvement of the in vitro culturing of eukaryotic cells including fertilisation hereof 
and the culturing of the embryonic cells. A part of the background for this is the 
wellknown interest in topics related to conditions for fertilisation in general. Therefore 
there is an ongoing research within optimization of the conditions for fertilization 
comprising both animals and humans. If the number of cells to culture is limited to a 
25 small number, as is the case for human oocytes and for animal oocytes collected for 
commercial purposes, the conditions for culturing are further challenged for what 
reason additional efforts may be needed in order to achieve maximised conditions for 
the culturing, including fertilization, growth and division of the cells. A number of 
previous investigations have published that in vitro development of preimplantation 
30 stage mammalian embryos seems to be facilitated by culturing the cells in groups, see 
Vajta et al. 2000. 

WO 01/02539 2 PCT/DK00/00308 

In general by studying the prior art within conditions for cell culturing, it appears that 
most researchers have published results mainly focused on various biochemical topics 
such as e.g. optimisation of the media for culturing, the ratios of embryo/medium 
volume applied and options for exchange and/or change of the nutrient medium during 
5 the culturing. In contrast to this, considerations regarding the character of the physical 
environment per se have remained relatively disregarded so far. Thus, also within the 
most recent decade, very little attention has been devoted to improvements within the 
topic of preparing an appropriate physical environment for the cell culturing to take 
place. In more detail little research has been published as to the influence of the 
10 physical characteristics of the room upon the culturing of cells. 

The most commonly used method when culturing few embryos in order to decrease 
the embryo/volume rates is to place the embryos in small droplets. By using this 
approach, one problem is related to fluctuations of temperature and/or evaporation of 

15 the liquid used. In order to minimize evaporation and temperature fluctuations an 
appropriate amount of oil is commonly used as an overlay. However, this is often 
accompanied with high diffusion of lipophilic material into the oil resulting in 
decreased culturing conditions for the embryos. Another problem is the possible 
accumulation of metabolic and toxic substances such as e.g. ammonia and oxygen- 

20 derived free radicals. Also the presence of these catabolics gives rise to suboptimised 
living conditions for the cells. A well known and frequently applied solution to this 
has been to culture embryos in medium sized drops and perform changes of the 
nutrient medium regularly, e.g. every 48 h. However, this manipulation has normally a 
negative and harmful impact upon embryo development. 


In continuation of this, new media and incubation systems have resulted in considerable 
advances in the field of embryo production (Gardner et al., 1992; Takahashi and First, 
1992; Gardner et al., 1994; Lane and Gardner; 1994; Trounson et aL, 1994; Vajta et al. 
1997b; Holm et al., 1999). It appears from these sources that both an increase in the 
30 developmental rates and much more stability in the ratios of development have been 
obtained. Typically, the developmental rates about 5 years ago were reported to be 

WO 01/02539 3 PCT7DKOO/00308 

within the 5-15% range, while they are now in the 40-50% range (Callesen & Holm 



As appears from the above, assessment in the public domain of the results of the cell 
culturing experiments state that developmental rate including growth and division of 
cultured cells is inter alia dependent upon the number of cells being assembled for 
culturing. Cells being assembled should here be understood as cells being in mutual 

10 contact, so that each cell is being in touch with at least one other cell. Hence, from the 
prior art known to the inventors it appears that the developmental rate, comprising 
growth rate and division rate of cells being cultured, increases when cells are 
assembled for culturing. The inventors have found that cells assembled in a group of 
cells seem to show an increase of the developmental rate within certain limits during 

15 culturing subsequently to a rise of the number of cells belonging to said group. 

It has surprisingly been shown by the present inventors, that the cell developmental 
rate during culturing of a relatively little number of cells increases mutatis mutandis if 
the cells are being cultured in wells, according to the invention. This observation is 

20 surprising and provides an improvement of the culturing conditions, when only one 
cell or a relatively small number of cells are to be cultured. Thus, by creating a 
physical space around the cells being cultured, which space forms a micro 
environment which is more narrow than reported in use hitherto, the cells in a 
relatively small number grow and develop with an increased rate than previously 

25 experienced with the size of well normally in use. Further details to this are given 
below in addition to a disclosure of a methodology for the preparation of said wells. 


30 In a first aspect of the present invention the dependence of the physical environment 
upon the in vitro growth of cells is featured. According to the invention cells are to be 
understood as comprising prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic cells. By assessing 

WO 01/02539 


published results from in vitro cell culturing experiments it appears that culturing of 
cells assembled in groups of a relatively small number systematically differs in terms 
of size of the found average developmental rate when compared to results based upon 
groups of cells containing a bigger number of cells. Experiments have shown that 
5 embodiments of the physical environment according to the invention especially 
influences the rate of growth subsequently to the phase of maturation and of 

It has surprisingly been shown by the present inventors, that the cell developmental 
10 rate during culturing of a relatively little number of cells increases mutatis mutandis if 
the cells are being cultured in wells, which are smaller than used previously. This 
observation is surprising and provides an improvement compared to the prior art 
within culturing conditions, when only one cell or a relatively small number of cells 
are to be cultured. Thus, by creating a physical space around the cells being cultured, 
15 which space forms a micro environment which is more narrow than reported in use 
hitherto, the cells in a relatively small number grow and develop with an increased 
rate than hitherto experienced with the size of well currently in use. 

The current observation through the prior art is that the developmental rate of the cells 
20 appear to be lowered when culturing a relatively small number of cells or even just 
one cell. It has been surprisingly found as a first aspect of the present invention that 
when culturing such a relatively small number of cells the in vitro rate of growth, 
including processes such as fertilization, division of cells and maturing, is not lowered 
if especially developed wells are used. Such a well, which is especially developed for 
25 culturing of one cell or more cells forms according to the invention a well placed 
within a larger surrounding well. A well according to the invention is termed a "well 
of well", or a WOW. 

The terminology of these two kinds of wells are as follows: A well present within a 
30 bigger well is termed a well of a first kind and a well comprising a smaller well is 
termed a well of a second kind, which hereinafter is used interchangeable with a 
WOW (Well Of Well). A well as such is to be understood as a receptacle into a plane 

WO 01/02539 5 PCTYDK00/00308 

surface according to the present invention. This receptacle may be the result of a 
mechanical process (manuable or machinable) before and/or after the manufacturing 
of the pertinent material. The periphery of such a well may be of any form such as e.g. 
circular, oval, rectangular and variations hereof. The depth should be so deep as to 
5 allow space for the cells. The well should keep the cells within the well during the 
practical operations performed. 

Culturing and growth of a cell are used interchangeable and is to be understood as to 
comprise all aspects and processes and results of processes during life cycles of cells 
10 including eggs such as e.g. development, fertilization and maturing. 

Furthermore, the present inventors have surprisingly found that the developmental rate 
of the cells during the in vitro culturing of a relatively small number of cells increases 
if the WOW is constructed in one way when culturing only one single cell and in a 

15 different way when culturing more than one cell. According to the invention the 
culturing of more than one cell should be performed with said cells assembled as a 
group of cells. When culturing such a group of cells the WOW according to the 
invention is larger in terms of periphery when culturing a group of cells than when 
culturing only a single cell. A description of the two kinds of the WOW follows 

20 below. 

One characteristic of the appearance of the WOW for the in vitro culturing of a single 
cell is that this WOW, seen vertically with the opening of the well being upwards, has 
a cross-sectional area, that has a shape as the letter V or approximately as the letter V, 
25 although the bottom per se has a form, which is more or less rounded. In a preferred 
embodiment, the depth of this small WOW is 210-290 jum, preferably 225-275 \im 
and particularly 240-260 |um. The inventors have found that an additional feature of 
significance for the appropriate functionality of this small WOW is that the surface of 
the inner wall of the WOW is smooth and without scratches. 


The WOW for the in vitro culturing of cells assembled in a group has according to the 
invention preferably a depth of approximately 260-340 |iim, preferably 275-325 fim 

WO 01/02539 6 PCT/DK00/00308 

and particularly 290-3 10 |j.m. The vertical cross-section of the inner shape of this large 
WOW is rectangular or approximately rectangular and the bottom is flat. The whole 
surface of the well is smooth and without scratches. 

5 In a second aspect of the invention a process is disclosed for the preparation of a 
WOW as a beneficial physical environment for the in vitro culturing of only one 
single cell in addition to the preparation of a WOW for the culturing of at least two 
cells assembled in a group. 

10 A WOW according to the present invention and preferred for the in vitro culturing of a 
single cell is prepared as follows. A rod is used, e.g. in the form of a needle or a 
changeable tip for a soldering iron, made of a material, which is still solid at 
temperatures used for the subsequent melting process, such as e.g. ground steel. The 
rod surface may well have been subject to some kind of treatment leaving the surface 

15 smooth, e.g. through covering with Teflon. Said material is heated, e.g. in a flame 
preferably linked to a temperature controlling equipment, until the rod melts or gets 
soft. Following the heating, the rod is pressed slightly until an appropriate receptacle 
is formed into the surface of the bottom of this well, which beforehand is present in a 
plane surface. The material in which the well is formed usually comprises one or more 

20 polymeric compounds such as e.g. polystyrene. The melting point of this material is to 
be lower than the melting point of the material of the rod. Upon touching said material 
by the rod the material melts or softens and the rod makes a depression, i.e. a 
receptacle into the bottom of the well of a second kind, thus making up a WOW. After 
e.g. 15-20 seconds, the melted material solidifies and the rod is removed. 

25 Approximately up to 15 WOWs may be made this way in each well of a second kind 
and selected for this purpose. The WOWs and the wells of the second kind are then 
cleaned by flushing by and/or incubating with one or more solvents suitable for 
cleaning of the melted material such as e.g. an aqueous buffer, a serum/plasma 
containing solvent or a nutrient fluid medium. The pertinent solvents may be used in 

30 combination as one solvent or as single solvents. 

WO 01/02539 7 PCT7DK00/00308 

According to the invention a WOW preferred for culturing of at least two cells 
assembled in a group is prepared as a WOW for culturing of a single cell except that 
the rod used for making the depressions in the pertinent wells has a shape as a darning 
needle with no needle point. 


In the following, three examples (Examples 1, 2 and 3) of this are given for eggs from 
cattle. Other types of cells could however also be used, e.g. eggs from other farm 
animals such as pigs, from laboratory animals such as mice and from human beings. 
Furthermore, the number of WOWs per well may well be lower compared to the 
10 number of WOWs used for single cell culturing. This decrease is only due to practical 
considerations. Approximately only up to 9 WOWs are made this way in each selected 

In the following, two examples (Examples 4 and 5) are given for the production of 
15 different numbers of WOWs per well, and one example (Example 6) is given for the 
influence of this on eggs from cattle. 



Culturing of single embryonic bovine cells 

Oocytes from the ovaries of slaughtered cows are subjected to in vitro insemination 
according to conventional methods within the art (see e.g. Holm et al. 1999; Vajta et 

25 al. 1997b). The developed embryos with several cells are separated into single cells 
and are then cultured in wells (for comparison) and WOWs according to the invention. 
The embryos are organised with one single cell per well and per small and per large 
WOW, respectively. The cells are incubated the following 7 days in 400 jal medium 
covered by 400 paraffine oil in four-well dishes (176740, Nunc, Life Technologies 

30 AS, Roskilde, Denmark). The nutrient medium and the gaseous atmosphere in the well 
and WOW and above the medium during the incubation of the cells is SOFaaci 
(synthetic oviduct fluid medium supplemented with essential and non-essential amino 

WO 01/02539 g PCT/DKOO/00308 

acids, 0.34 mM tri-sodium citrate (Merck 1.06448, Darmstadt, Germany), 2.77 mM 
myo-inositol (Sigma I 7508)) with 5% calf serum (CS; National Veterinary 
Laboratory, Frederiksberg Denmark) and 5% C0 2? 5%0 2 90% N 2 with maximum 
humidity, respectively. In a preferred embodiment the culturing takes place in a 
5 Submarine Incubation System (Vajta et al. 1997a). 

As a measure for the rate of development the blastocyst per oocyte ratios are 
determined. The determination is performed using a stereomicroscope on day 7 and 
the data are analyzed by logistic regression using a generalized linear model (SAS, 
10 1993). Data differences between the incubations are compared by the contrast function 
of the Genmod procedure (SAS, 1993). 

Results are shown in Table 1 below in the first 3 rows. It appears that the average 
developmental ratio is similar when the culture has been performed in wells or in 
15 drops (32 % versus 34%), while it significantly increases when performed in WOWs 

Table 1 . Comparison of Day 7 blastocyst/oocyte ratios of one treatment group against 
the control group. Different superscripts within the same module mean 
20 significant difference (P<0.05). The four modules except for the control 

module are referred to in the examples 1, 2 and 3. 



No. of Replicates 

Blastocysts/oocytes j 

Single zona intact 
(Example 1) 



37 / 1 14 (32) a 



42/ 125 (34) a ! 



102/ 168 (60) b 

WO 01/02539 o PCT/DKOO/00308 

Five zona intact embryos 



162/332 (49) a 

1 (Example 2) 



158/319 (50) a 



213/347 (61) b 

Single zona-digested 



17/ 69 (25) 

(Example 3) 



26/ 91 (29) a 



136/256 (53) b 

Control: 40-50 embryos 



973 /1775 (55) 


Culturing of more at least two embryotic bovine cells assembled in a group 

5 Oocytes from the ovaries of slaughtered cows are subjected to in vitro insemination 
according to conventional methods within the art (see e.g. Holm et al. 1999; Vajta et 
al. 1997b). The developed embryos are separated into groups of five embryotic cells 
(=five embryos, each with several cells and are then cultured in wells (for comparison) 
and WOWs according to the invention and organized with 5 cells per well and per 

10 small and per large WOW, respectively. The cells are incubated the following 7 days 
in 400 pi medium covered by 400 |ui paraffine oil in four-well dishes (176740, Nunc, 
Life Technologies AS, Roskilde, Denmark). The nutrient medium and the gaseous 
atmosphere in the well and WOW and above the medium during the incubation of the 
cells is SOFaaci (synthetic oviduct fluid medium supplemented with essential and 

15 non-essential amino acids, 0.34 mM tri-sodium citrate (Merck 1.06448, Darmstadt, 
Germany), 2.77 mM myo-inositol (Sigma I 7508)) with 5% calf serum (CS; National 
Veterinary Laboratory, Frederiksberg Denmark) and 5% C0 2 , 5%0 2 90% N 2 with 

WO 01/02539 


maximum humidity, respectively. In a preferred embodiment the culturing takes place 
in a Submarine Incubation System (Vajta et al. 1997a). 

As a measure for the rate of development the blastocyst per oocyte ratios are 
5 determined. The determination is performed using a stereomicroscope on day 7 and 
the data are analyzed by logistic regression using a generalized linear model (SAS, 
1993). Data differences between the incubations are compared by the contrast function 
of the Genmod procedure (SAS, 1993). 

10 Table 1 shows the results as rows 4, 5 and 6, and it appears that the average 
developmental ratio is similar whether the culturing has been performed in wells or in 
drops (49% versus 50%), while it is significantly increased when performed in WOWs 
(61%). Compared to single cultured embryos, an increase in developmental rate is 
apparent from app. 33% to the app. 50% found in this experiment. 



Culturing of single embryotic bovine cells without zona pellucida 

Oocytes from the ovaries of slaughtered cows are subjected to in vitro insemination 
20 according to conventional methods within the art (see e.g. Holm et al. 1999; Vajta et 
al. 1997b). Removal of the zona pellucida is performed by an enzymatic reaction. A 
preferred methodology for this proteolysis according to the invention is to incubate the 
embryos for 2-3 min with 5 mg/ml Pronase (Sigma) according to Peura et al. (1998) in 
Hepes-buffered TCM-199 medium at 35-37°C. Subsequently, the embryos are 
25 incubated for 5 min in Hepes-buffered TCM -199 medium and 10% calf serum to 
eliminate further pronase effect. The resulting zona free embryos are thereafter 
separated into single embryos, each with several cells, and are then cultured in wells 
(for comparison) and WOWs according to the invention. Thus, a single embryo is 
cultured per well and per small WOW and per large WOW, respectively. The cells are 
30 incubated the following 7 days in 400 jal medium covered by 400 j^l paraffine oil in 
four-well dishes (176740, Nunc, Life Technologies AS, Roskilde, Denmark). The 
nutrient medium and the gaseous atmosphere in the well and WOW and above the 

WO 01/02539 I j PCT/DKOO/00308 

medium during the incubation of the cells is SOFaaci (synthetic oviduct fluid medium 
supplemented with essential and non-essential amino acids, 0.34 mM tri-sodium 
citrate (Merck 1.06448, Darmstadt, Germany), 2.77 mM myo-inositol (Sigma I 7508)) 
with 5% calf serum (CS; National Veterinary Laboratory, Frederiksberg Denmark) 
5 and 5% C0 2 , 5%0 2 90% N 2 with maximum humidity, respectively. In a preferred 
embodiment the culturing takes place in a Submarine Incubation System (Vajta et aL, 

As a measure for the rate of development the blastocyst per oocyte ratios are 
10 determined. The determination is performed using a stereomicroscope on day 7 and 
the data are analyzed by logistic regression using a generalized linear model (SAS, 
1993). Data differences between the incubations are compared by the contrast function 
of the Genmod procedure (SAS, 1993). 

15 Results are shown in table 1 and it appears that the average developmental ratio is 
similar when the culture has been performed in wells compared to drops (app. 27%), 
while it is significantly increased in WOWs (app. 53%). 



Manufacture of single-cell WOWs 

For the manufacture of single-cell WOWs a needle rod or a needle-like rod is used. An 
ordinary sewing needle made of ground steel or its like may be used. The surface of 
material chosen for the rod may include various compounds to facilitate the 
25 manufacturing process. The surface may comprise compounds or constituents which 
make the surface smooth and/or resistant to heat. An example of such a compound is 

The chosen rod, e.g. a sewing needle made of appropriate ground steel, is heated in a 
30 gas flame for 3-6 seconds or until the needle is hot enough to melt the material (e.g. 
polystyrene) out of which the well is made. Following the heating the needle is 
pressed slightly by hand into the bottom of a well in a four-well dish (176740, Nunc, 

WO 01/02539 j2 PCT/DKOO/00308 

Roskilde, Denmark). The well has an outer limit that is round-like and may form a 
circle. Upon touching the polystyrene immediately melts and the needle makes a 
depression into the bottom of the well. Such a depression is a receptacle for the cell 
culturing and makes up a WOW. After normally 15-20 seconds, the melted material 
5 solidifies and the needle is removed. Approximately up to 15 single cell WOWs are 
made this way per well. 

The wells are then filled with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) 4- 5% calf serum (CS; 
National Veterinary Laboratory, Frederiksberg, Denmark) and rigorously flushed by 
10 pipetting to remove air bubbles and possible loose, toxic material arised from the 
melting process. PBS is subsequently replaced with SOFaaci (Holm et al. 1999) and 
5% CS and incubates overnight at 39°C. After a second rigorous flushing of the wells, 
the medium is replaced by a new aliquot of 500 ]il of SOFaaci and 5% CS, and 
covered by 400 [i\ oil and used for the culturing. 



Production of poly-cell WOWs 

For the manufacture of poly-cell WOWs a needle rod or a needle-like rod is used. An 
20 ordinary sewing needle made of ground steel or its like may be used. The surface of 
material chosen for the rod may include various compounds to facilitate the 
manufacturing process. The surface may comprise compounds or constituents which 
make the surface smooth and/or resistant to heat. As an example the surface layer may 
consist of or include Teflon. 


The chosen rod, e.g. an ordinary sewing needle made of appropriate ground steel, is 
heated in a gas flame for 3-6 seconds or until the needle is hot enough to melt the 
material (e.g. polystyrene) of the well. Following the heating the needle is pressed 
slightly by hand into the bottom of a well in a radiation sterilized dish delivered from 
30 NUNC, Life Technologies AS, Roskilde, Denmark (production No. 176740: The well 
has an outer limit which is round-like and may form a circle. Upon touching the 
polystyrene immediately melts and a depression is made into the bottom of the well. 

WO 01/02539 j 3 PCT/DKOO/00308 

These depressions are receptacles for the cell culturing and make up the WOWs. After 
normally 15-20 seconds, the melted material solidifies and the needle is removed. 
Approximately up to 9 poly-cell WOWs are made this way per well. 

5 The wells are then filled with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) + 5% calf serum (CS; 
National Veterinary Laboratory, Frederiksberg, Denmark) and rigorously flushed by 
pipetting to remove air bubbles and possible loose, toxic material arised from the 
melting process. PBS is subsequently replaced with SOFaaci (Holm et al. 1999) and 
5% CS and incubates overnight at 39°C. After a second rigorous flushing of the wells, 
10 the medium is replaced by a new aliquot of 500 jal of SOFaaci and 5% CS, and 
covered by 400 jlxI oil and used for the culturing. 


15 Comparison of the developmental rates achieved in single and poly-cell WOWs 

Using methods described in the previous examples 1, 2 and 3, embryos are cultured in 
multiple versus single WOWs per well. The cells are incubated the following 7 days in 
400 \il medium covered by 400 p.1 paraffine oil in four- well dishes (176740, Nunc, 
Life Technologies AS, Roskilde, Denmark). The nutrient medium and the gaseous 

20 atmosphere in the well and WOW and above the medium during the incubation of the 
cells is SOFaaci (synthetic oviduct fluid medium supplemented with essential and 
non-essential amino acids, 0.34 mM tri-sodium citrate (Merck 1.06448, Darmstadt, 
Germany), 2.77 mM myo-inositol (Sigma I 7508)) with 5% calf serum (CS; National 
Veterinary Laboratory, Frederiksberg Denmark) and 5% C0 2 , 5%0 2 90% N 2 with 

25 maximum humidity, respectively. In a preferred embodiment the culturing takes place 
in a Submarine Incubation System (Vajta et al., 1997a). 

As a measure for the rate of development the blastocyst per oocyte ratios are 
determined. The determination is performed using a stereomicro scope on day 7 and 
30 the data are analyzed by logistic regression using a generalized linear model (SAS, 
1993). Data differences between the incubations are compared by the contrast function 
of the Genmod procedure (SAS, 1993). 

WO 01/02539 



Results are shown in Table 2 and it appears that the average developmental ratio is 
similar when the culture has been performed in single compared to multiple WOWs 
irrespective of the three types of cattle eggs tested. 

Table 2. Comparison of Day 7 blastocyst/oocyte ratios in different modules using 

multiple and single WOW per well. 





Single zona intact 

Multiple WOW 


65/ 114 (57) 

Single WOW 


58/ 104 (56) 

Five zona intact embryos 

Multiple WOW 


90/ 155 (61) 

Single WOW 


85/ 141 (60) 

Single zona-digested 

Multiple WOW 


57/ 103 (55) 

Single WOW 


46/ 90 (51) 

Differences within the same module are not significant (P>0.5). 

WO 01/02539 j 5 PCT/DK00/00308 


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Internal Report no. 125, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, 6-15. 


Gardner DK, Lane M, Spitzer A, Batt P (1994) Enhanced rates of cleavage and 
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of serum and somatic cells: amino acids, vitamins, and culturing embryos in groups 
stimulate development. Biology of Reproduction 50:390-400. 


Gardner DK, Lane M, Spitzer A, Batt PA (1992) Amino acids and increased 
embryo density stimulate development of sheep zygotes in vitro. Proceeding of 
Australian Society of Reproductive Biology 24:90. 

15 Holm P, Booth PJ, Schmidt MH, Greve T, CaUesen H (1999) High bovine 
blastocyst development in a static in vitro production system using SOFaa medium 
supplemented with sodium citrate and myo-inositol with or without serum. 
Theriogenology 52:683-700. 

20 Lane M, Gardner DK (1994) Amino acids increase mouse embryo viability. 
Theriogenology 41 :233. 

Peura TT, Lewis IM, Trounson AO (1998) The effect of recipient oocyte volume on 
nuclear transfer in cattle. Molecular Reproduction and Development 50:185-191. 


SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA (1993) Technical Report P-243, SAS/STAT 
Software; The Genmod Procedure, Release 6.09. 

WO 01/02539 ! 6 PCTYDKOO/00308 

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WO 01/02539 




1 . Process for in vitro culturing of one single cell or at least two cells assembled as a 
group, characterised in that the culturing takes place in a well of a second 

5 kind, which has a form of a receptacle, which is placed in the bottom of a well of a 
first kind and in that the opening of the well of said second kind is smaller compared 
to said well of said first kind. 

2. Process for culturing of one single cell according to claim 1, wherein the cross- 
10 sectional area of the well of said second kind has a shape like the letter V or 

approximately like the letter V and wherein the surface hereof is smooth, plane and 
without scratches. 

3. Process for culturing of at least two cells according to claim 1, wherein the cross- 
15 sectional area of the well of said second kind has a rectangular shape or approximately 

a rectangular shape and wherein the surface hereof is smooth, plane and without 

4. Process for culturing of one single cell according to claim 2, wherein the depth of 
20 the well of said second kind is 210-290 jum, preferably 225-275 \xm and in particular 

240-260 |nm. 

5. Process for culturing of at least two cells assembled as a group according to claim 3, 
wherein the depth of the well of said second kind is 260-340 jam, preferably 275-325 

25 \im and in particular 290-3 1 0 \xm. 

6. Apparatus for culturing of one single cell or at least two cells assembled as a group, 
comprising a smooth and plane material, wherein is made a well of a second kind, 
being formed as a receptacle into said smooth and plane material, said well of said 

30 second kind being characterised in that one or more wells of a first kind are 
made into the bottom of said well of said second kind and in that the opening of the 
well of said first kind is smaller compared to said well of said second kind. 

WO 01/02539 


7. Apparatus for culturing of one single cell or at least two cells assembled as a group 
according to any of the preceding claims characterised in that the wells of the 
first and the second kind are present in a material comprising polymeric compounds. 


8. Application of an apparatus according to claims 6-7 for cell culturing according to 
claims 1-5, wherein the cultured cells are eukaryotic cells. 

9. Application of an apparatus according to claims 6-8 for cell culturing according to 
10 claims 1-5, wherein the cultured cells are taken from a group consisting of one single 

embryotic bovine cell, at least two embryotic bovine cells, one single embryotic 
bovine cell without zona pellucida, one single porcine embryo with zona pellucida and 
at least two porcine embryos with zona pellucida. 

15 10. Process for preparation of an apparatus according to claims 6-7, characteris 
e d in that a hot rod is pressed slightly into the bottom of a well or receptacle present 
in the surface of a material, which melts by touch of said rod. 


International application No. 

PCT/DK 00/00308 


^J&^^^Jl^^^ ^cation ^ IPC 


Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) 

IPC7: A01K, C12M, C12N 

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched 


data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) 




Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 


(26.11.92), page 3, line 6 - line 19; page 4, 
line 4 - page 5; page 7, line 25 - line 32, 
and claims 4-13 


US 5449620 A (JASPAR S. KHILLAN), 12 Sept 1995 
(12.09.95), see col. 2 and claims 

16 January 1990 (16.01.90) 




P^j Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. See patent family annex. 

* Special categories of cited documents: 

"A" document defining the general state of the art which is not considered 

to be of particular relevance 
"E" erlier document but published on or after the international filing date 
*L" document which may throw doubts on priority claimfs) or which is 

cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other 

special reason (as specified) 
"O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other 


"P" document published prior to the international filing date but later than 
the priority date claimed 

later document published after the international filing date or priority 
date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand 
the principle or theory underlying the invention 

*X" document of particular relevance: the claimed invention cannot be 
considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive 
step when the document is taken alone 

"Y" document of particular relevance: the claimed invention cannot be 
considered to involve an inventive step when the document is 
combined with one or more other such documents, such combination 
being obvious to a person skilled in the art 

"8c" document member of the same patent family 

Date of the actual completion of the international search 

25 Sent 2000 

Name and mailing address of the International Searching Authority 

European Patent Office P.B 5818 Patentlaan 2 

NL-2280 HV Rijswijk 

Tel(+31 -70)340-2040, Tx 31 651 epo nl, 


Date of mailing of the international search report 

16. 10. Z000 

Authorized officer 


Telephone No. 

Form PCT /ISA/2 10 (second sheet) (July 1992) 


International application No. 

PCT/DK 00/00308 


Category * 

Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 

US 4975377 A (MARC E. KAY), 4 December 1990 

(04.12.90), column 6, line 36 - line 59; column 9 

WO 9713839 Al (PR0DUC0 AB), 17 April 1997 

(17.04.97), page 10 - page 14, see figures and 
claim 7 



Form PCT/ISA/210 (continuation of second sheet) (July 1992) 


Information on patent family members 


International application No. 

PCT/DK 00/00308 

Patent document 
cited in search report 


9220359 A 


Patent family 




2016392 A 
0585349 A 
6507565 T 
5512476 A 
5627066 A 
5691194 A 












2662215 B 



63129980 A 












192779 T 



708592 B 



6922596 A 



2234054 A 



59605198 D 



0853659 A,B 



6037171 A 


Form PCT/ISA/210 (patent family annex) (July 1992)